3 Dokumente gefunden

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Profiledata electromagnetic induction (EMI) Mesolithic site Lüchow

Electromagnetic induction data recorded with a GF-Instruments CMD Explorer device in HCP mode, carried at about 1.2m height. Positioning was done using a Stonex S9i RTK-GNSS GPS device. Measuredat the edge of a preboreal lake site at Duvensee (see e.g. Corradini 2020). The site is at the western sandy-loamy…
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Electromagnetic induction (EMI) data at the Roman Burgus of Astheim

EMI data measured with the GF Instruments CMD-Explorer. Positioning was done using a Stonex s9i RTk-GNSS GPS. Measured at a Roman river fortlet (burgus) site in Hesse (Germany). During the 1st century AD the Romans performed several river alterations in the vicinity of the River Rhine in Hesse, including…
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Electromagentic Induction profile on a burial mount at the Uzun-Rama plateau

EMI conductivity data measured with the CMD Miniexplorer in the kurgan (burial mount) area on the Uzun-Rama plateau in central Azerbaijan. These mounts were constructed and used from the mid-4th to 1st millennium BC. For details of the site, see \cite{Laneri2019}. Laneri(2019). Jalilov B. Crescioli L.…

