Supported Licenses

opendata@uni-kiel supports various free licenses suited for different types of data. You should choose the license which suits your circumstances best. Be especially aware of the legal requirements and implications of licensing. If you are at all unsure about the proper license to use, consult with an attorney. The support staff of opendata@uni-kiel have a technical background and are not qualified to give legal advice.

Creative Commons

Well-suited for creative works.

Open Data Commons

Well-suited for data sets and databases.

Public Domain

Only to be used if you are sure that no copyright exists or that you can legally waive your copyright fully. CC0 or Open Data Commons PDDL are better choices for most cases.

Software Licenses

Well-suited for code.

If you would like to use a free license that is not currently listed here, you should contact us. We will add any license that is suitable for FAIR and open data.