30 documents found

Research Data
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UNISA-CAU Thermo-Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Dataset for NCR18650B Li-ion batteries

This includes a dataset for thermo-electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (T-EIS) of NCR18650B Li-ion batteries. It includes CCCV cycles and EIS experiments under multiple temperature and SoC conditions on four different Li-ion cells. The experiments were performed in the laboratories of Kiel University…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Electrically stimulated resistive switching in Ag/PEG nanofluids

The dataset contains data on resistive switching due to electrophoretic reorganization of metallic silver (Ag) nanoparticles in polymeric host fluids (i.e. polyethylene glycol of different molecular weight). By applying an electrical bias between two planar electrodes, the Ag nanoparticles and nanoaprticle…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Geophysical Data (GPR, ERT, Seismic) Duvensee 2019

We present an integrated approach of multi-method geophysical sounding and local soil sampling for differentiate, and map organic sediments. Our study is based on ground-penetrating radar (GPR), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and shear-wave seismic (SH seismic) profiling applied to sediments…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Geophysical data: GPR Data Interpretation (3D model, pattern recognition) Duvensee 2023

Understanding the landscape evolution and human-environmental interaction within it is one of the key tasks of early Holocene research. As mobile hunter–gatherers leave few traces of structural organization, understanding their habitats is relevant for comprehending these people. Rarely does the spatial…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Geophysical data: GPR Multichannel data Duvensee 2018

The shift to the early Holocene in northern Europe is strongly associated with major environmental and climatic changes that influenced hunter-gatherers’ activities and occupation during the Mesolithic period. The ancient lake Duvensee (10,000–6500 cal. BCE) has been studied for almost a century, providing…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Geophysical data: Horsens GPR (Kettle Hole Investigation) 2017 to 2018

We investigated a small kettle hole near the township of Tyrsted, south of Horsens (Denmark) with the aim to determine the extension and depth of this feature using geophysical methods. A former excavation at Tyrsted carried out from the Horsens Museum in 2017 at a neighboring site revealed Late Palaeolithic…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Geophysical data: Duvensee GPR 2016

We investigate the landscape development of the early Mesolithic hunter-gatherer sites of Duvensee performing a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) Survey. We present for the first time a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment of 63 ha covering subarea of the former lake during the…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Geophysical data: GPR Data Dümmer 2020

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigation at Hunte 4 in the Dümmer region with the focus on a landscape reconstruction where Neolithic settlements have been found. This region is characterized by extensive wetlands on the southern border of the Northern Lowland and has been the subject of several…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

“Like, comment, subscribe” – Perception of acoustic-prosodic features of content creators' charismatic speech on YouTube

These data belong to a dissertation which investigates the influence of different acoustic-prosodic features on the perception of charismatic speech of YouTubers (i.e., creators of video content on YouTube who star in their own videos). Charisma – if seen as skill used to draw in and retain an audience…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Iberian Copper Age Idols

A collection of Iberian Idols of the Neolithic and Copper Age. The Data collection includes a large variety of shapes from simple conical types to heavily ornamented so called "plaques". Additional 14C-dates for a chronological determination were collected. The collection was done only from the literature…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

XANES / EXAFS data on in situ thermal annealing of metallic glasses FeGaB and FeCoSiB

XANES / EXAFS data and analysis results relating to the publication "In-situ X-Ray Absorption Studies on Local Structure of Annealed Metallic Glasses FeGaB and FeCoSiB" (DOI: 10.1002/pssa.202400607). Metallic glasses (Fe80Ga20)88B12 and (Fe90Co10)78Si12B10 were investigated at the synchrotron DELTA during…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Die Deponierungen der Trichterbecherkultur (Appendices 3–4 und Datenbank)

Hier sind die zur Publikation "Die Deponierungen der Trichterbecherkultur" (FMSD 21) zugehörigen Appendices 3 (Katalog) und 4 (Listen) sowie die Datenbank abgelegt. Die Datenbank besteht aus den beiden Tabellen "Allgemeine Informationen" (FMSD_21_Mueller_Allgemeine_Informationen.csv) und "Individuelle…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Prozessmodelle – Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesinitiative zum Forschungsdatenmanagement

Die Erstellung der Prozessmodelle mithilfe von BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) dienten der FDM-SH Community als Grundlage zur Diskussion der Erfüllung der Aufgaben der Gremien innerhalb der Landesinitiative zum Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM-SH). Sie verdeutlichen Entscheidungs- und Kommunikationsprozesse…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

SeedCat in ArchaeoBotLand: Kirleis, Wiebke (2019) Atlas of Neolithic Plant Remains from Northern Central Europe

Data Collection is part of ArchaeoBotLand. Catalogue of photographs of archaeological and modern plant parts taken by and for Kiel archaeobotanists.
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

ArdMarks (in ArchaeoBotLand) 2023

Data Collection is part of ArchaeoBotLand. Compilation of information on traces of ards/ploughs and ard marks in prehistory. Data extracted from published sources.
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

EcoWeed (in ArchaeoBotLand) 2023

Compilation of selected ecological information (extracted from published sources) for arable weed taxa encountered in the archaeobotanical samples from regions studied by Kiel archaeobotanists. Data extracted from published sources. DataCollection is a part of ArchaeoBotLand.
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

SAXS and DSC data and scripts for publication: Photoinduced bidirectional mesophase transition in vesicles containing azobenzene…

Here the small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) data, analysis results and analysis scripts are accesssible for the publication "Photoinduced bidirectional mesophase transition in vesicles containing azobenzene amphiphiles". This data is made accessible under…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

The extent and characteristics of DNA transfer between plasmids and chromosomes

Plasmids are extrachromosomal genetic elements that reside in prokaryotes. The acquisition of plasmids encoding beneficial traits can facilitate short-term survival in harsh environmental conditions or long-term adaptation of new ecological niches. Due to their ability to transfer between cells, plasmids…

