15 documents found

Research Data
CC BY 4.0

SeedCat in ArchaeoBotLand: Kirleis, Wiebke (2019) Atlas of Neolithic Plant Remains from Northern Central Europe

Data Collection is part of ArchaeoBotLand. Catalogue of photographs of archaeological and modern plant parts taken by and for Kiel archaeobotanists.
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

EcoWeed (in ArchaeoBotLand) 2023

Compilation of selected ecological information (extracted from published sources) for arable weed taxa encountered in the archaeobotanical samples from regions studied by Kiel archaeobotanists. Data extracted from published sources. DataCollection is a part of ArchaeoBotLand.
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

ArdMarks (in ArchaeoBotLand) 2023

Data Collection is part of ArchaeoBotLand. Compilation of information on traces of ards/ploughs and ard marks in prehistory. Data extracted from published sources.
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

SAXS and DSC data and scripts for publication: Photoinduced bidirectional mesophase transition in vesicles containing azobenzene…

Here the small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) data, analysis results and analysis scripts are accesssible for the publication "Photoinduced bidirectional mesophase transition in vesicles containing azobenzene amphiphiles". This data is made accessible under…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

The extent and characteristics of DNA transfer between plasmids and chromosomes

Plasmids are extrachromosomal genetic elements that reside in prokaryotes. The acquisition of plasmids encoding beneficial traits can facilitate short-term survival in harsh environmental conditions or long-term adaptation of new ecological niches. Due to their ability to transfer between cells, plasmids…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

The interdisciplinary analysis of the cemetery Kudachurt 14 (North Caucasian Bronze Age): Database, appendix and catalogues

Representing both a barrier and a corridor between the Eurasian and Asian continents, the Caucasus has constituted the setting for various socio-economic transformations throughout prehistory. The transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age in the Northern Caucasus is a period characterised by…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Data and analysis for the paper European settlement demography: a boom and bust pattern in Prehistory?

This repository contains the data and the analysis developed in the paper European settlement demography: a boom and bust pattern in prehistory?, as well as all the produced figures. The aim of this paper was to highlight possible patterns in the demographic evolution of prehistoric and protohistoric…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Datenanhang zur Arbeit 'Fachaufsatz zum Kongressbeitrag „DeepGreen - ein schnittstellengetriebener Ansatz zur Datenanreicherung…

Data analysis of the DeepGreen segment on the Institutional Repository (IR) MACAU is of particular interest to Kiel University Library due to the ten major scientific publishers participating in the project with their large number of journals. In addition to the purely bibliographical recording of the…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Archaeo-magnetic plans of the Pre-cucuteni and Cucuteni A-B settlements Baia-În Muchie and Adâncata-Dealul Lipovanului, Suceava…

Geomagnetic research and drillings provide new results regarding settlement organisation and population size of three small settlements from the Pre-Cucuteni and the Cucuteni A-B period of Suceava County in Romanian Bucovina. In these settlements from different stages of the Cucuteni-Tripolye complex,…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Friesack 4, Complex II, Animal Remains

The Mesolithic campsites at Friesack were located on an island amidst a swampy valley with slowly flowing water, forests dominated by birch and pine, sandy hills covered with pine, and open grasslands. Due to excellent preservation conditions, thousands of mammal remains could be excavated in the refuse…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Friesack 4, Complex I, Animal Remains

The Mesolithic campsites at Friesack were located on an island amidst a swampy valley with slowly flowing water, forests dominated by birch and pine, sandy hills covered with pine, and open grasslands. Due to excellent preservation conditions, thousands of mammal remains could be excavated in the refuse…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Profiledata electromagnetic induction (EMI) Mesolithic site Lüchow

Electromagnetic induction data recorded with a GF-Instruments CMD Explorer device in HCP mode, carried at about 1.2m height. Positioning was done using a Stonex S9i RTK-GNSS GPS device. Measuredat the edge of a preboreal lake site at Duvensee (see e.g. Corradini 2020). The site is at the western sandy-loamy…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) data at the Roman Burgus of Astheim

EMI data measured with the GF Instruments CMD-Explorer. Positioning was done using a Stonex s9i RTk-GNSS GPS. Measured at a Roman river fortlet (burgus) site in Hesse (Germany). During the 1st century AD the Romans performed several river alterations in the vicinity of the River Rhine in Hesse, including…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Electromagentic Induction profile on a burial mount at the Uzun-Rama plateau

EMI conductivity data measured with the CMD Miniexplorer in the kurgan (burial mount) area on the Uzun-Rama plateau in central Azerbaijan. These mounts were constructed and used from the mid-4th to 1st millennium BC. For details of the site, see \cite{Laneri2019}. Laneri(2019). Jalilov B. Crescioli L.…

