30 documents found

Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Profiledata electromagnetic induction (EMI) Mesolithic site Lüchow

Electromagnetic induction data recorded with a GF-Instruments CMD Explorer device in HCP mode, carried at about 1.2m height. Positioning was done using a Stonex S9i RTK-GNSS GPS device. Measuredat the edge of a preboreal lake site at Duvensee (see e.g. Corradini 2020). The site is at the western sandy-loamy…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) data at the Roman Burgus of Astheim

EMI data measured with the GF Instruments CMD-Explorer. Positioning was done using a Stonex s9i RTk-GNSS GPS. Measured at a Roman river fortlet (burgus) site in Hesse (Germany). During the 1st century AD the Romans performed several river alterations in the vicinity of the River Rhine in Hesse, including…
Research Data
CC BY 4.0

Electromagentic Induction profile on a burial mount at the Uzun-Rama plateau

EMI conductivity data measured with the CMD Miniexplorer in the kurgan (burial mount) area on the Uzun-Rama plateau in central Azerbaijan. These mounts were constructed and used from the mid-4th to 1st millennium BC. For details of the site, see \cite{Laneri2019}. Laneri(2019). Jalilov B. Crescioli L.…
Research Data
CC BY-SA 4.0

Houses sizes of the LBK settlement Vráble-Veľké Lehemby, Slovakia

The research project "The Dynamics of Settlement Concentration Processes and Land-Use in Early Farming Communities of the Northwestern Carpathian Basin" investigates settlement patterns and land-use dynamics in the Žitava valley during the Neolithic. Discovered in 2010, the agglomerated Early Neolithic…
Research Data
ODbL 1.0 - Open Database License

HERMiNe: A neural network for kinetic Mie polarimetry - particle size diagnostics in nanodusty plasmas

HERMiNe is a deep neural network for solving the kinetic Mie problem of light, scattered by nanoparticles. The polarization state of the scattered light is usable as in-situ size diagnostics for the size and the complex refractive index of particles. For the kinetic Mie polarimetry to work, it is necessary…
Research Data
ODbL 1.0 - Open Database License

Supplemental material to 'Video aided extinction measurement: A competitive method for dust density diagnostics'

In the following a set of experimental data (excerpt) of a monitored a:C-H nanoparticle growth cycle in a low temperature, capacitively coupled argon discharge is provided . This is a demonstration of the 'Video aided extinction measurement'. MATLAB analysis scripts can be used, to calculate particle…
Research Data
ODC-By 1.0 - Attribution License

Matrikel der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (1865-1884)

Die Datensammlung zu den Matrikeln der CAU aus den Jahren 1865 bis 1884 umfasst insgesamt 2452 Einträge, die Informationen zur Immatrikulation, Studium und Biografie enhalten. Die Informationen liegen vor unter: LASH, Abt. 47, Nr. 993, Matrikel der Universität: Album universorum, Band 3 1855-1884, S.…

