Multi-layer connection of C. elegans

Dataset Descriptions: Edge list of connections between neurons (nodes) for electrical and chemical communication in the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)

Methodology Used: The neuron and connectivity data can be found on WormAtlas ( The transmitter and receptor data are partly taken from B. Bentley et al. (PLoS Comput. Biol. 12, e1005283 (2016), and have been supplemented by own work.


The data set combines connectome data provided by WormAtlas ( and Bentley et al. (PLoS Comput. Biol. 12, e1005283 (2016), We consolidated the two data sources, which have been used in the publication:

T. Maertens, E. Schöll, J., P. Hövel: Multilayer network analysis of C. elegans: Looking into the locomotory circuitry, Neurocomputing 427, 238 (2021),

and a more recent manuscript (submitted to EPJB) available as preprint

D. Sharma, M. Renz, P. Hövel: Discovering Motifs to Fingerprint Multi-Layer Networks: a Case Study on the Connectome of C. Elegans, arXiv:2408.13263 (

The is one csv file for each layer (electrical, Acetycholine, Glutamate, gamma-Aminobutyric acid, Monoamine, Peptide) with the following columns:

Pre : presynaptic neuron (numerical identifier),
Post: postsynaptic neuron (numerical identifier),
Type: electrical or chemical connection,
Layer: layer type,
Pre : presynaptic neuron (name, 3-4 letter abbreviation),
Post: postsynaptic neuron (name, 3-4 letter abbreviation)

For more information on the neuron name and function, see


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