The data is composed of two tables saved in a csv format with a “;” separator and UTF-8 encoding.
• locations: contains sites names and their x-y coordinates in a WGS83 projection. These coordinates mostly refers to the Geonames of the main or nearest city and not to the exact location of the settlement.
• Sites_HouseNB: contains the sites number of houses for each dated phase.
– Site = site name.
– BCE = absolute date of the concern phase.
– Duration = length of existence of the site for the concern phase (in years).
– House_nb = number of contemporaneous houses identify for the phase. For all sites, a first and last phase with 0 houses have been added to homogenise the evolution curves.
– chrono = relative chronology attributed to the site (Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age or Iron Age).
Data information:
• Almhov: Brink 2009.
• Alsónyék: Bánffy et al. 2016, graph Fig. 10, calculated with an estimation of 40 years for house duration.
• Bad Buchau: Billamboz 2009, p. 157, Fig. 79 and p. 263, Fig. 156.
• Cresta bei Cazis: Wyss 2002.
• Friedrichshall-Kochendorf: Friederich 2011, p. 220-221, Fig. 40-41.
• Heilbronn-Neckargartach: Friederich 2011, p. 304-305, Fig. 60-61.
• Heuneburg: house number estimated from the population number in Kurz 2010, divided by seven inhabitants per houses.
• Hornstaad-Hörnle IB: Matuschik et al. 2023, p. 318, Fig. 34.
• Maidenetske: Müller et al. 2016, calculated with an estimation of 50 years for house duration.
• Merzbachtal - Langweiler 8: Boelicke et al. 1994.
• Nebelivka: Müller et al. 2022, calculated with an estimation of 50 years for house
• Okolište: Hofmann et al. 2007; Müller et al. 2011; Hofmann et al. 2016.
• Oldenburg-Dannau: house number estimated from the population number in Brozio 2016, divided by nine inhabitants per houses.
• Ovčarovo: Kerig et al. 2022.
• Poljanica: Kerig et al. 2022.
• Saint-Blaise: Isoardi 2008, estimation 1.
• Saint-Pierre: Isoardi 2008, estimation 1.
• Stolniceni: Müller, Kirleis, et al. in press, calculated with an estimation of 50 years for house duration.
• Taljanky: Müller, Kirleis, et al. in press, calculated with an estimation of 50 years for house duration.
• Trinca: Müller, Hofmann, et al. in press; Müller, Kirleis, et al. in press, calculated with an estimation of 50 years for house duration.
• Vráble: Müller et al. 2020
• Vrablé BA: Skorna et al. 2018
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