PT Unknown AU Mengel, A TI Numerical calculation of the orientation-averaged projected area of an aggregate of spheres PD November PY 2024 DI 10.57892/100-99 WP LA en DE Monte Carlo integration; computational geometry; Monte-Carlo-Integration; Algorithmische Geometrie AB This MATLAB ( code computes the orientation-averaged projected area of an aggregate of spheres using random sampling of orientations and Monte Carlo computation of the projected area for each orientation. The algorithm is as described in: R. Gopalakrishnan, T. Thajudeen, and C. J. Hogan, “Collision limited reaction rates for arbitrarily shaped particles across the entire diffusive knudsen number range,” The Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 054302 (2011). The number of random orientations as well as the number of random points for each Monte Carlo area computation can be adjusted. An option to plot the aggregate in 3d in a simple way is also implemented. Details on input and output of the function can be found as comments in the main function file. ER