PT Unknown AU Grüttner, S Kempken, F TI DNA-sequence data for the publication: A user-friendly CRISPR/Cas9 system to create loss-of-function mutants in Neurospora crassa PD January PY 2024 DI 10.57892/100-39 WP LA en AB Here you'll find the raw DNA-sequencing data that were used for the analysis of an CRISPR/Cas9 event in the publication "A user-friendly CRISPR/Cas9 system to create loss-of-function mutants in Neurospora crassa". The data are assigned to the different experimental conditions (singel gRNA used, combination of gRNA used) and refer to the corresponding gRNA (gRNA-c1, -c2, -n1 or -n2) used in the experiment. ER