@Article{fdr_mods_00000004, author = {Bonczarowska, Joanna}, title = {Ancient DNA investigation into infectious diseases of medieval Europe - supplementary material}, year = {2023}, month = {Jan}, day = {04}, keywords = {ancient genomics, ancient DNA, pathogen evolution, human MHC, human leukocyte antigen, infectious disease, epidemics, genetic association study}, abstract = {Supplementary material for the PhD dissertation titled "Ancient DNA investigation into infectious diseases of medieval Europe" by J. Bonczarowska. Chapters 2, 5 and 6.}, doi = {10.57892/100-4}, url = {https://opendata.uni-kiel.de/receive/fdr_mods_00000004}, url = {https://doi.org/10.57892/100-4}, file = {:https://opendata.uni-kiel.de/servlets/MCRZipServlet/fdr_derivate_00000005:TYPE}, language = {en} }